Sally Catt

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1: Name? Sally Catt

2: Age? Really?

3: Resides? St Kilda 

4: Swimming Highlights?   
  • Winning U10s 27.5yds butterfly in Harrogate club championships  (it was mixed and I beat the boys!). 
  • 5km swim Coogee-Bondi (2000ish), 
  • 8km Cahuna (2011) , 
  • Bloody big swim 2012, 
  • Beating a few boys in the Winter Mile 2013, 
  • AV classic 2013, & BBswim 2014 and finally  
  • Swimming Rottnest channel 2014 

5: Biggest influence and coach?
Influences: All Black Ice swimmers. Coaches: Sharon Newstead and Anna Carruthers (Mentone coaches) &  Butch (secret training venue)

6: Swimming Idol?

All English Channel swimmers, particularly admire the slower swimmers and Matthew Web.

7: Pool or Ocean?
Ocean, no question.  I’ve always been keen on ocean journeys, even as a kid. Used to freak out my family by disappearing off round any headland! Good to have friends that’ll do it with me now (took 50 years and a journey round the world to find them!)

8: How many kms a week?
Built up to a few 25/30km weeks in Dec and Jan before Rotto, but otherwise like to do 10-15kms per week

9: Longest swim and how many hours in the water?
Rottnest Channel swim 2014:  8h 14min

10: Favorite place you have swam? 
Cottlesloe/Rottnest!  -love it there!

11: Coldest place you have swam and temp?
Shortish distances: Scottish lochs at Easter (snow on the hills, temp?: freezing!)               
Longer distances: Brighton in winter (8 degrees?)

12: Roughest swim eg. Wave height and wind speed?
3m swell and waves in a Manly swim (had to change start and finish  to Shelly beach as waves too rough for Ocean beach!). Another one was a journey swim to Stanwell Park..again 3m waves which we had to tackle to get in, with an ambulance at the end , collecting those that didn’t do it right!  Luckily not me!

13: Swimming goals?
Achieved!  Unless Harry decides on a new goal?

14: What or who motivates you? 
The love of swimming and the belief of others

15: How much is :- Physical? Mental?

Physically prepared means mentally fit

16: Favorite saying?   
Live your dreams

17: Biggest fear swimming”  eg.. cold jellyfish, sharks etc?
Jet skis and engines.  

18: Swimming close calls?

My first winter swim alone out of the cage on a sunny Friday winter’s morning… just admiring the clear view of the seabed below when a big grey thing brushes my tummy- fastest 400m I have ever swam back from the pole!  Until I saw the cheeky dolphin looking at me!

19: Tips for other swimmers?
It’s great feeling pushing yourself that little bit further .. 5km, 8km, 11.2k and finally 20km. Just do it…but take your time, plan and enjoy the journey.

20: What would you eat and drink during a swim?

Probably not the best person to ask, having vomited half way across to Rottnest.! Have coped well previously on Leppin, Endura, bananas and baby food, but think I would always crave warm food or drink on longer journeys.    Need just enough to keep energy levels up, but not too much and , tip from Yvonne, nice wide drinking bottles so easier to drink more in less time!

21: Worst place you have swam?
Swimming training in a Yorkshire quarry was a bit grim – especially as wet suits were compulsory!

22: Worst injuries?
Losing digits in farm machinery!  And in the sea… all body blue bottle stings (Bondi) and stingers (Rottnest) and oyster shell gashes (Brighton bath steps and exit!)

23: Favorite food, drink, music, movie and holiday destination?

Food? Thai food 
Drink:? Durif from Rutherglen

Music:? Currently- Mumford and Sons

Movie?  Classic: Princess Bride More recently enjoyed: Chocolat

Holiday? Indian Himalayas (trekking)

24: What do you think of when you are in the water for hours?
 I try think about my stroke, but the mind wanders all over the place!

25: Where is one place you haven’t or would like to swim?
A Turkish Swimtrek or a short dip in the Antarctic or maybe an Icelandic lake (sorry..more than one…too many places, too little time 

26: 3 people you would invite to dinner?
Billy Connolly, Bill Bailey, Bill Murray (no problems remembering names at least!!)

27: Cold water tips?
Build up slowly, only go out of your comfort zone when close to others (and hope they are looking out for you!!).

28: Toughest competitor?

Yvonne –not that I compete against her but she is one touch competitor!!

29: Diet and how much is weight a factor on long distance swims?
Extra padding is handy but experience, health and time in cold water I believe, is equally important.

30: Pet hate?
A broken steam room in the middle of winter

31: Biggest thrill?
I’ve climbed a few mountains over the years and that’s always a thrill to reach the top, but Rottnest Solo swim beats them all!

32:Favorite sport besides swimming?

33: Who would you like to sit next to on a plane:?
My husband, of course!

34: Car you drive? 
Subaru Forester

35: Next swimming challenge?

just following Harry in his goals…
But in the meantime, Windermere does have a small attraction and would like to be an observer of Cook Straight..just to see…

36: Occupation?
Reproductive Scientist

37: D.O.B?
22nd March 1961

38: Pet? 
Doc and Saffy (2 Great Dane crosses, Saffy arriving next week!)

39:- Why did you attempt the channel
Sorry, haven’t done the English one, but 4 years ago, doing a Rottnest team swim was a big thing. Going Solo would never have happened if I hadn’t met an amazing group of swimmers who all have amazing goals… their enthusiasm and belief in not just themselves but all they swim with, is just too infectious  ---thanks Black Ice…I caught the bug!

40: What next?

To keep swimming and keep smiling.


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